St. Leo to offer outdoor communion services

Although public Masses remain closed, Bishop Robert Baker Tuesday issued a statement allowing outdoor communion services for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Birmingham.

In response, Fr. Justin L. Ward, interim pastor at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Demopolis, announced services of Holy Communion will be offered on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 am.

Fr. Ward will be present at the front entrance of the church. Families may stay together, but otherwise people should maintain the six-foot distance from others.

He will lead preparatory prayers from the steps of the church before the congregation forms a communion line.

Fr. Ward stipulated that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains lifted while the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Those who are in a high risk category, live with or have contact with such a person, is ill or fear exposure are not obliged to take part in the communion service.

In addition to outdoor services, Fr. Ward will hear confessions on the patio of the church Parish Hall on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m.