DCSF awards $14K in Spring grants

Four teachers in Demopolis City Schools learned this week they had been awarded a total of $14,018 for the Spring semester by the Demopolis City Schools Foundation, bringing the total amount of grants awarded during the 2020-2021 school term to $58,955.51.

Grants went to US Jones Elementary, Demopolis Middle and Demopolis High schools.

DHS principal Terina Gantt, left, stands with band director Brandon Allen and band students.

“We are excited to announce recipients of this year’s Spring grants,” said Ashley Coplin, DCSF executive director. “Thank you to our Grants Committee for all of their hard work. We appreciate the support of the Demopolis community which plays a vital role in our grants program.”

Demopolis High School

DHS principal Terina Gantt congratulates math teacher Traci Spiller
  • $5,220 to Brandon Allen for new marching percussion instruments to the accommodate the needs of the growing percussion section.
  • $3,398 to Traci Spiller for graphing calculators in the math department

Demopolis Middle School

Shown from left are DMS principal Derrick Hester, band director Brandon Allen and DCSF executive director Ashley Coplin.
  • $2,700 to Brandon Allen for a mallet instrument for the middle school band program

U.S. Jones Elementary School

  • $2,700 to Dale Foster for a set of 7 Orff instruments and mallets.
USJ teacher Dale Foster is shown with principal Bridgett Powell.