Keeping it all in the family

The drive-by baby shower Saturday may have been meant for Haley Webb Thorne, but joining in the fun were her two sisters-in-law who are also expecting.

Haley Thorne, left, was honored with a baby shower on Saturday, but her sisters-in-law, Hunter Webb, center, and Lindsey Robinson, also expecting, welcomed drive-by guests.

Social distance provisions prevented friends and family from gathering for a baby shower honoring Thorne on Saturday. Instead invited guests dropped off gifts and received specially decorated cookies in thanks.

Haley Thorne accepts a gift at her drive-by baby shower.

With Haley, who is expecting Crawford Webb Thorne on Feb. 4, were her brother’s wife, Hunter Webb, and her husband’s sister, Lindsey Robinson. Hunter is due to deliver Lakyn Ryann Webb on Feb. 21, and Lindsey’s baby, John William Robinson, is expected on April 8.