Incentive granted new industry in short Council meeting

As they followed an abbreviated agenda, Demopolis City Council members Thursday conducted several items of business before adjourning in less than 15 minutes.

Chairs in Rooster Hall were set up widely apart because of the need for social distancing during this time of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Even so, only a handful of people were in attendance.

Mayor John Laney said that if the virus continues its impact, the Council will try to set up its April 2 by telephone so that residents of Demopolis can call in to listen to the proceedings. Gov. Kay Ivey has given permission for such a meeting, he said.

The Council approved an incentive package for Resource Fiber which was awaiting the action before announcing its intent to move to Demopolis.

The incentive package includes $50,000 from the city and $40,000 from the Marengo County Economic Development Authority. It requires the company to provide 20 jobs over four years.

“This allows them to transfer their equipment,” the mayor said. No funds will be advanced until the company makes the formal announcement of its move to the city. Resource Fibers will lease the former Prystup Packaging building on South Industrial Park.

According to its website, Resource Fiber is the only bamboo fiber company in the United States growing bamboo at scale, selling bamboo fiber and manufacturing bamboo industrial products.

“There are other projects we’re working on with the USDA which would also be tied into jobs,” Mayor Laney said.

A resolution passed by the Council names the engineering firm Goodwin, Mills and Cawood to help identify and prepare potential plans for CDBG grants. The action doesn’t commit the city to any projects.

In its only other action, Council members approved a bid of $4,912 by Bryant Concrete Finishing of Sawyerville to construct 311 feet of concrete curb on the south side of Whitfield Street.