Demopolis BOE handles last minute issues in Monday meeting

Taking care of last minute business before the start of the school year, the Demopolis Board of Education Monday approved contracts and personnel matters.

Four contracts for services were passed. Madelyn Jacobs will conduct two choir classes, a morning session at Demopolis High and an afternoon class at Demopolis Middle. Tim Hall will assist band director Jill Arthur two days a week and Fridays. Psychometrist Reggie Mitchell will conduct special education evaluation and gifted testing, and Genesis Rehabilitation received the contract for occupational and physical therapy services.

The board accepted the resignations of Kim McCrory, U.S. Jones Elementary fifth grade teacher, and Rachel Etheridge, DHS math teacher. Jennifer Helms was hired to take McCrory’s place. Leslie Spiller and Joyce Morris were approved as substitutes.

In other action the board approved the revision of the student promotion and retention policy for first and second grade to be consistent with all other grades.

The board agreed for High Ground Solutions to provide the rapid alert and notification phone call system for parents.

The board also approved the pay supplement schedule. Supt. Kyle Kallhoff said the main difference is that a coach has been designated for both boys and girls soccer with the same supplement for each.

A list of surplus equipment was approved, including a 1995 Chevrolet 15-passenger van that no longer is used. Bids are being accepted for the van at the School Board office.

Kallhoff said two public hearings to discuss the school system budget will be held, the first at 10 a.m. on Sept. 8, and the second at 5:15 p.m. Sept. 12, both at the School Board office. A called meeting of the board will be held immediately after the second meeting to approve the budget.

Kallhoff said 2,298 students have enrolled to begin the school year, but he expects that number to shift over the first two weeks of school. As of Monday, he reported, Westside Elementary expected 475 students; USJ, 581; DMS, 493, and DHS, 749.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Sept. 19.