County commission to split industrial park project costs with Demopolis entities

In a brief meeting Tuesday, the Marengo County Commission approved going halves with the City of Demopolis and the Demopolis Industrial Development Board to pay half of a resurfacing project in the Industrial Park.

The county will contribute $3,500 toward the road project.

Curtis King, who served 39 years on the South Marengo Water and Fire Protection Authority, was recognized with a resolution in his honor for his long service.

Commissioners continued the practice of hiring two summer workers per district. The students will work 24 hours per week for six weeks at minimum wage.

In routine action, the Commission voted to:

  • Reappoint Deborah Shepherd from District 1 and Mary Sue Henry from District 3 to the Department of Human Resources Board.
  • Provide a letter of support for West Alabama Public Transportation.
  • Name the Commission chairman to serve on the Alabama County Commission Association Legislative Committee.

Probate Judge Laurie Hall gave an update on plans for the upcoming Alabama primary elections. She said training is being set up for poll workers to use the new poll pads. Sample ballots are available in her office or on line.

After the executive session with Revenue Commissioner Sharon Barkley, the Commission voted to approve the hiring of a new assessing clerk.