BOE approves purchases, repairs, USJ museum

Authorization of $323,339 of both federal and local funds for purchases and repairs received approval from the Demopolis City Schools Board of Education Monday.

Using ESSER (Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief) funds, the board authorized new tables and chairs for Demopolis High School from VIRCO at a cost $143,741.17.

ESSER money also will be used to pay for licenses on 2,200 Chrome books for an individualized learning program from IXL. Supt. Tony Willis said DCS already is using the program that helps students with problem areas. The approval pays for the licenses for all grades through May 2024 at a cost of $96,111.

Canon received a four-year contract, beginning the next school year, to replace and maintain all the system’s copiers for a total of $43,696.92. Not only is the initial cost less than the previous company, but operating costs will be less as well, said Willis.

Robert W. Jones Construction Co. received an emergency contract of $39,800 to repair the bathroom for special education students at Demopolis Middle School. The repairs, to be done over the Christmas holidays, involves digging up deteriorating pipe under Lab 212.

Willis said instructional coaches at each school originally were approved for 10-month jobs using ESSER funds, but the board minutes never reflected that change. The designation will continue through 2024 while the DCS has the federal funding. The board approved the change.

Current board policy omits the eligibility for tenure of all DCS employees with three consecutive years of service – except for Pre-K teachers. The board amended the policy to include them as well.

Willis said he met with members of the U.S. Jones Alumni Association about their desire to place a USJ museum in the school. The museum would hold memorabilia of the years the school was the all-Black high school in Demopolis.

Willis clarified that the museum could not be open to the public during school hours and other times designated by the principal or school system. With that understanding, the board okayed the museum so that the alumni group can apply for grants.

The board approved calling for a special election March 22 for the renewal of two property taxes that have been on the books since 1952 and have been reapproved periodically since then. Willis said the two taxes amount to 5 mils.

In other action, the board approved the extension of a contract with Derrick McCormack for IT services and USJ 4-H Camp in Columbiana March 9-11.

In his remarks, Willis gave a “shout-out” to the faculty and staff at this time of year and said DCS has had a “great first semester.”

“There is no way you can separate the community and the schools when you put together an event like Christmas on the River,” he said. “I’m very impressed, continue to be impressed what Demopolis is able to do and what our Kids are able to do.”