Virus doesn’t keep Polar Bear Dippers from welcoming 2021

What started as a fun event for Forkland couple Jim and Becky Rhodes to start the new millennium in 2000 has become an annual event for friends and family. COVID-19 didn’t stop them this year, either.

The Rhodes took part in their first Polar Bear Dip at the Flora-Bama in 2000. Soon their son Delton joined them, and then friends decided to join in the fun to welcome the new year as well.

“Some years we have had as many as 30 people from the Demopolis area join us for the annual event,” said Becky Rhodes.

Their friends Terry and Nathalie Taylor are among the regular Sippers and Dippers. At first, they all wore swimsuits, but then the Becky and Nathalie came up with the idea for themed events.

“We have worn Hawaiian themed clothing such as grass skirts and coconut bras and held up surfboards and beach balls with ‘Happy New Year’ written on them as we dipped,” said Rhodes.

For the past several years they have begun wearing polar bear suits as they take the plunge.

While they have missed a year or two since the fun began, “someone from our group always has found a way to represent us, even if we weren’t all able to go to the beach.”

When the Flora-Bama was destroyed during Hurricane Ivan, the friends took the 2005 New Year’s dip in the pool belonging to her sister, Virginia Overstreet.

“I believe that was the coldest water I have ever been in,” she said.

Because of the pandemic the friends chose to dip locally. Barbara Turner offered her pool for Taylor and Rhodes to dip in.

“Our friends always make sure that the tradition keeps going on no matter what,” she said. “2020 was a horrible year for a lot of people. We knew we needed to dip to wash off the old year and ring in the new year. We are hoping for a better year in 2021 and wish that more people can join us for the 2022 Polar Bear Dip!”