UWA honor students announced

LIVINGSTON–The University of West Alabama named more than 400 undergraduate students to the President’s List and the Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 academic semester. Students on the list are from 16 states across the U.S. and abroad.

The President’s List gives recognition to undergraduate students with exceptionally high grades for the semester, those with grade-point averages of 3.80 or higher on at least 12 semester hours credit with no grade lower than a “C.”

The Dean’s List gives recognition to those undergraduate students who have been enrolled for 12 semester hours or more and have made for the semester between 3.25 and 3.79, with no grade lower than a “C.”

Marengo County students who were named to the President’s List are:

Demopolis: Jokeya Abrom, Rehnosha Barlow, Katelyn Beshears, Zachary Chu, Mackenzie Dill, Mark Johnson, Mary Kish, Cheyenne Martin, Clayton McVay, Sara McVay.

Gallion: Victoria Petrarca, Laura Thomason.

Linden: Cleveland Bradley, Kimberly Parker.

Magnolia: Lakisha Lucy.

Sweet Water: Christopher Dunn, Jordan Rogers.

Thomaston: Adriana Mair.

Named to the Dean’s List from Marengo County are:

Demopolis: Makayla Durden, Casey Morgan, Mary Randall, Cora Smith, Patrick Smith.

Dixons Mills: Nykeira Bettis.

Gallion: Brittan Davis, Karla Galvan, Mitzi McDowell, Destiny Prisock.

Linden: Robert Bradley, Steven Owens, Maverick Ratcliff.

Sweet Water: Morgan McManus.

Thomaston: Laura Griffith, Jessica Hosea, Karlton Nathan.