Supt. Tony Willis: Renew the support

In 1955 our parents, grandparents and loved ones decided it was important to fund our schools. They instituted and have continually renewed both a 5 mill county and a 5 mill city tax. 

On March 22 both of these taxes come due to renew again. This is not a new tax. Nothing new is collected. It is business as usual. 

However, what is at stake is the future of both the schools and this community. This tax, while essential to the funding of our schools, is not an excess or indulgence. In fact Demopolis City Schools expenditures ranks only 130th out of 137 school districts in the state. This means very few districts are funded per pupil at less than we are able to operate. If this tax is not renewed, we would fall to the state minimum and there would not be a system in the state that collects less than Demopolis. 

So, on March 22 we are simply asking that you get out and vote “YES” to both the 5 mill city and the 5 mill county tax that have been here for as long as any of us can remember. Vote YES for the school system. Do it for the jobs it ensures. Vote YES for the students we serve. Do it so we can continue to provide resources for learning. Vote YES because our forefathers believed in Demopolis Schools. Do it because it is right for children. Vote YES on March 22. 

Make sure we have a bright future in Demopolis City Schools and the community we love.  

Editor’s Note: Voting on both the city and county taxes will be at the Demopolis Civic Center for all eligible voters in Demopolis.