Penny Thoughts: What Unity?

It is amazing that those same voices who have been clamoring for “unity” after the election of 2020 were so vociferous in rejecting the election of 2000, and then, repeated it again in 2016. Compounded by their naked deceit and the division fomented by their “Resistance” movement which crystallized after President Trump won in 2016, it is incomprehensible that those who are so eager to rush to declare a winner in the 2020 election could be so brazen as to demand “unity” and “one-ness” under the assumption that Biden has won! 

Witness the declarations of those who wish to further suppress Trump supporters, but now insist on “unity” by creating a “list” of Trump supporters. Additionally, they have created something called the “Trump Accountability Project” whose actions intend to focus on attempts to prevent anyone on these “lists” from ever working again.

Ocasio-Cortez        “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future.”

Evan McMullin     (Former CIA ops officer) We should keep and publish a list of everyone who assists Trump’s frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election. Name and shame forever.”

Jennifer Rubin     (Washington Post columnist) “Any R now promoting  rejection of an  election  or  calling to not follow the  will of  voters or  making  baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position  or be accepted into ‘polite’ society.  We have a list.”

Michael Simon     (Former Obama Staffer) Was excited to share a list of Trump allies: “Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, Bundler, lawyer who represented them – everyone” but later deleted it.

Hari Sevugan        (Former press secretary for the DNC and senior spokesman for the Obama campaign)  “We just launched the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who  took a paycheck  to help  Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.”

And we are just supposed to forgive and forget being called “deplorables”, “chumps”, “Nazis”, “racists”, “conspiracy theorists”, “bigots” and a host of other epithets from the person who now wants to bring us “unity”. Either he is just as stupid as I have always known him to be or we are too stupid to remember.

So where was the Democratic Party on January 20, 2017?  Oh, right…they boycotted the inauguration of PRESIDENT TRUMP…the President of the United States of America! THAT INCLUDED MY REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS!!

Where was YOUR “UNITY” then?

The wounds are too fresh. The injuries are far too deep and lasting to even hope for any kind of reconciliation. And the scars will always serve as stark reminders.

Like the battered wife who is told to put her sunglasses on and act like nothing ever happened we are just supposed to say, “OK, Honey. It was my fault anyway!” And it is terribly sad that they are insisting that we conform to their twisted form of “unity”.

We have been witnesses to a concerted effort to undermine President Trump’s administration and an attempted coup d’état unheard of in America at any time, let alone in the 21st Century!

This entire sordid process has been shameful and remains a total embarrassment to our American heritage! And it has lasted for four long YEARS!!

So today, they are charging forth to assert that something is “wrong” with President Trump’s attempts to verify LEGAL ballots!

Understand the process! Media projections of voting totals do NOT declare who is a victor in any election. Election results are to be certified by each state. The media cannot declare a winner, as much as they covet that option!

The specious arguments charging every opposing view of the MSM as another “conspiracy theory” are getting rather trite and sophomoric. They are followed by the charges of fear mongering, racism, prejudice against the sacred “victim classes” so designated by the Left and supporting the “cancel culture”. There are, also, those elements which seek to alter American history completely and radically with re-writes, tearing down statues and refusing to acknowledge anything created by the Founders.

Dr. Victor David Hanson, senior fellow of the esteemed Hoover Institute, has confirmed that there have been no less than six serious forces arrayed against President Trump.

  1. Globalist Businesses
  2. Big Banks
  3. Main-Stream Media
  4. Technocrats in California’s simi-valley
  5. The Democratic Party Management
  6. The Chinse Communist Party

The mere hatred of Donald Trump is far too insufficient to justify their blinding ire and vitriol. There must be more sinister and penetrating reasons for this focused wrath.

They hate Trump because he had either begun to or had uncovered their nefarious activities, and this has rocked them to their individual cores. Thus, they joined to collectively focus their fear to attack President Trump!

So, “unify”?  NO.  Not ever!  Probably means I need to go to Confession (we call it, “Reconciliation” now) for about two entire days! I have too much rage…too much pain…to much blind anger! But I have NO forgiveness…and surely NO forgetting!

It might be good to reflect on this fact this: There are 71 MILLION Trump supporters, and they LOVE our President! Let that sink in as you order us to “unite”!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of The West Alabama Watchman.