Opinion: Isolation, not quarantine

By Keirs McDonald BSME

This opinion is in response the column published May 7, 2020, titled: Penny Thoughts: Our Lock-Up Quarantine.

Science is based upon observation and predictability and should never be politicized under any circumstance. You should verify your source and make your own determination.

The politicizing of scientific research will not change scientific fact. A perfect example of this is climate change.

Medical researchers have been in business for a great deal longer than all of us have been alive. It makes common sense to have no contact with an infectious person. COVID-19 is a new virus, and medical researchers are continuing to study it. Their response so far has been taken from past experience and based upon past history of controlling viral outbreaks.

The use of fables to contradict science is misplaced. Webster defines fable as to narrate or describe fictitiously or falsely.

In closing, I would like to paraphrase Alexis De Toqueville who said, “The greatest danger to the American Constitution is the ‘ill-informed voter’.”