Linden BOE president named to AASB Relations Network Committee

Linden City Board of Education President Ola Ford has been selected to participate on the Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) Federal Relations Network Committee. According to AASB, Ms. Ford’s past participation and/or information she provided in their grassroots update distinguishes her among AASB membership to engage with members of Alabama’s congressional delegation. AASB relies on a select group of members to participate as its core federal network.

It is the organization’s link and opportunity for local school board members to be key local education resource leaders to their members of Congress. Some of the duties will include becoming a key contact of your U.S. Representative, receiving special federal action alerts and updates from NSBA/AASB. eligibility to participate in AASB meetings with Congress members in your district and eligibility to participate in NSBA’s Advocacy Institute and visits to the Capitol in Washington D.C.

Earlier this year Ms. Ford was appointed to the AASB Board Training Advisory Committee. It is a committee appointed by the AASB Board of Directors every year to review training programs and recommend potential training topics.