Library starts phased reopening

The Demopolis Public Library will begin a phased reopening Monday, May 4, as COVID-19 restrictions are eased

Library patrons will not be able to browse through bookshelves. Instead, the library staff will provide curb side delivery of books, DVDs and audiobooks.

Items may be reserved by using the online catalog at Patrons will need a library card number to use the website.

However, anyone with a fine of $5 or more or if a card is expired, no reservation will be allowed. Instead, call the library at 289-1595 for assistance.

Computers will be available by reservation only for critical needs, such as filing for unemployment, stimulus information, education or job search.

Computer users may have only one person with them. Library staff will be unable to assist because of the social distancing requirement.

This phase of reopening will be evaluated again after May 14.