Gaineswood receives AHF grant; open for tours

Friends of Gaineswood has received a $5,000 grant from the Alabama Humanities Foundation to help during the coronavirus shutdowns.

The AHF awarded 79 CARES Act Relief Grants to nonprofits across Alabama that have humanities programing as a significant part of their mission. 

“We are so please to have received the CARES Act relief grant,” said Nancy Lindsey, site director for Gaineswood National Historic Landmark.

The funds will be used “to help us cover operational expenses and salaries” during the three months the historic home museum was closed.

Gaineswood site director Nancy Lindsey, right, is shown with her daughter, Anna McClellan, observing safety protocols before entering the historic site.

Gaineswood now is open for tours, with health safety precautions, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Group tours also can be scheduled.  Volunteers are always welcomed. 

In addition, any Girl Scout wearing her Girl Scout t-shirt can tour the home for free along with one accompanying adult. Free admission is available at all 14 Alabama Historic Sites through Oct. 31.

The AHF funding was made possible through the National Endowment for the Humanities. It is specifically dedicated for operational costs including salaries, property maintenance, utilities, supplies and equipment that have occurred during the time of shutdowns.

Gaineswood, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has as its mission the preservation and restoration of Demopolis’ Gaineswood National Historic Landmark. The group also sponsors programs such as Heritage Days, educational programs and COTR Candlelight Tour.  A quilt show featuring the Marengo Piecemakers was scheduled for April but had to be postponed because of the COVID 19 closure. 

The Friends of Gaineswood is raising funds for needed repairs and painting of the exterior of the home.  Any donations to Friends of Gaineswood are tax deductible.  For more information, contact Gaineswood at 334-289-4846 or come by the home at 805 S. Cedar Ave.