Free hospitality workshop offered in Demopolis

Visitors to the Black Belt often get their first impression through the people who serve them at restaurants, stores and hotels.

A free two-hour hospitality training workshop will be held Monday, April 4, from 2-4 p.m. at Rooster Hall in Demopolis. The workshop is open to front line hospitality workers in Choctaw, Clarke, Dallas, Hale, Marengo, Perry, Sumter and Wilcox counties.

The workshop is being made possible through a grant provided by the Alabama Association of RC&D Councils in partnership with Alabama Black Belt Adventures and Experience, LLC. It is being administered by the University of Alabama Center for Economic Development.

Businesses or organizations that would benefit from this training can register online at: [] []

Registration closes one week before the training session.

Few industries have felt the effects of the pandemic as much as the hospitality industry, said Candace Johnson Beers, Director of Tourism and Community Development, UA Center for Economic Development. With additional unemployment benefits ending, individuals that may have been laid off due to the decrease in travel beginning in 2020 now are being asked to return.

Hospitality training is needed statewide but especially in the Black Belt Region, Beers added. This hospitality training will empower service industry employees with the tools needed to attract, retain and grow tourism in the region.