DCS superintendent pledges to ‘grow on positives, address negatives’

For the most part, the evaluation of Dr. Al Griffin’s performance as superintendent of Demopolis City Schools received positive marks from the DCS Board of Education, but several areas continue to call for improvement.

The report, presented at the close of the board meeting Tuesday, covered 35 areas that board members ranked on a four-point scale. Griffin scored best in areas having to do with curriculum and student achievement. His low scores came in the areas of interpersonal relationships both in the schools and the community.

Swearing-in of Carolyn Moore
Swearing-in of Carolyn Moore

“I will continue to grow on the positives and will address the negatives,” Griffin told the board.

The meeting began with the swearing-in of Carolyn Moore as the newest board member. She is filling Laura Foster’s seat. Foster was recognized for her 10 years of service on the board.

In her report CFO Evelyn James said sales tax receipts for the year are up $95,000 over 2013. Total revenue for the month was $1.78 million, and expenditures, $1.5 million, with a balance of $3.8 million.

Superintendent Dr. Al Griffin with outgoing BOE member Laura Foster
Superintendent Dr. Al Griffin with outgoing BOE member Laura Foster

The board approved overnight and out-of-state travel for Demopolis High School teachers Kelly Gandy, Connie Davis, Courtney Taylor, Nadine Rogers and Adam Sealy to attend the National Academy Foundation Conference in Washington, D.C. July 8-12.

Newell Paper Company was the only bid returned among eight sent out for paper needs for the next school year. The board approved the firm’s bid and were pleased that it was below the costs set by the state.

A revision of board policy on field trip transportation approved by the board gives more leeway to coaches and teachers who need to transport only a few students.

The board approved the use of the Demopolis Middle School stadium for the Demopolis Police Department National Night Out program August 5.

Gina Johnston received board approval to apply for all federal money for Title 1, 2 and 6 programs and Career Tech.

The board presented DMS special education teacher Lisa McHugh with a proclamation recognizing her outstanding achievements and her selection as WAKA’s Golden Apple Teacher of the Year.

In personnel recommendations, the board approved:

• Hiring Etta Marie Pope as a third grade teacher at U.S. Jones

• Hiring Jennifer Felus as a USJ special education teacher

• Hiring Martell Jones as DHS special education aide

• Employing Terri Speegle as a Westside Elementary School reading coach.

• Posting positions for a central office secretary and USJ special education aide and open a teaching position at WES, all through July 1.

The next board meeting will be Tuesday, July 22, at 5:15 p.m.