Road projects, questions focus of commission meeting

Most of Marengo County Engineer Ken Atkins’ list of road projects received approval from the County Commission Tuesday, but two commissioners questioned roads through trailer parks.

Freddie Armstead wanted to make sure the trailer park roads weren’t private property but considered as subdivision roads. John Crawford said letters should be sent to each of the property owners along the road to receive their approval for the roads to become county property. If even one landowner disagrees, the county cannot assume the responsibility for maintaining that road. Work could begin only after property owners deed the rights to the county.

Diane Brooker, with the Demopolis Industrial Development Board, asked the Commission to pay for half of the cost of replacing a broken culvert and repairing Jefferson Road at the entrance to the South Industrial Park.

The county’s half would pay for work on Jefferson Road, and the City of Demopolis is being asked to pay for the work on Buddy Griffith Drive, for a total project cost of $15,121.

The commissioners asked Atkins to review the work requested and report back at the next meeting.

Brooker also asked the Commission to repaint the “turn-only” stripes on Jefferson Road at the entrance. Atkins said the work is up for federal funds to be done in the spring. The county does not have the capability to do the work.

The Grand Jury report recommended the jail be cleaned. Sheriff Richard Bates said the jail is pressure-washed the first Monday of each month. He also said prisoners now have a mattress and quilt for their beds. Sheets were removed because of the danger of suicide by hanging.

Crawford asked the Commission to table a request from Majo’s Lounge for a liquor license. He said he has received a petition from people in his district, and he needs time to review it.

In other business, the Commission approved a tax abatement for Rock-Tenn Company and an Alabama Tombigbee Regional Commission Senior Aides Project/Host Agency agreement.