Decision not to vote is forfeiture of basic freedom

What if a bank’s depositors stood by and let the institution decide how to spend their money, dividing it up and sharing it with everyone? What if property owners handed over to the county probate office the authority to do what it wished with the land – to build apartments, warehouses, casinos or a landfill? And what if parents let a college pre-determine their child’s course of study, and thus his or her likely career path?

Well, choosing not to vote is, in essence, resigning one’s self to the same thing. By not voting, citizens surrender to those who do go to the polls the right to determine which individuals make decisions affecting their money, property, future and children’s futures. Every American should treasure the importance of having a say in who makes those decisions for them.

The purpose of this column is not to endorse a candidate in any upcoming race, local or national. Rather, the point here is to encourage every registered voter to go to the polls on Nov. 6. Don’t take for granted that precious right endowed by God, secured by the Founding Fathers and defended by veterans past and present. It is every American’s individual responsibility to exercise the right to help choose our local, state and national leaders, and, yes, each American is accountable for whether or not he or she casts that vote – accountable for having a voice or forfeiting the precious right to make a difference.

Interesting concepts – individual responsibility and accountability. And it’s time to take those ideals seriously, starting at the polls on Nov. 6.